Dear subscribers,
Thank you for having subscribed to CoverMongolia NewsWire! Deeply appreciate all the support over the years.
As you have noticed, I am switching to fee-based subscription and the new service will commence next Monday.
Here's how it will go:
1) Corporate Subscription:
a. Prices ranging between ₮100,000-₮500,000 a month as per negotiation, but will largely depend on company size and value.
b. A draft service agreement is ready. Payment is pre-paid before next month's subscription begins, as would any news subscription.
c. A corporate subscription will entitle the company to add any of their corporate email addresses. (corporate address only, no private emails)
d. Discounts for annual, half-year, and quarterly subscriptions are 15%, 10%, and 5% respectively.
e. To make recordkeeping simple for a full year subscription begins from every April.
2) Donation Scheme for Individuals:
a. For individuals who believe my newsletters bring value to their career and life can choose an amount that feels is appropriate. This I will deal on a case by case basis.
b. Donations are not a one-time fee for life but a regular one, perhaps on a quarterly basis.
3) Banner Advertising: You would have noticed I've started placing banners ads, for which I also have a draft agreement ready. Prices are as follows:
a. ₮50,000 per issue for Top Banner,
b. ₮45,000 per issue for Middle Banner 1,
c. ₮40,000 per issue for Middle Banner 2,
d. ₮35,000 per issue for Middle Banner 3,
e. ₮30,000 per issue for Middle Banner 4,
f. ₮25,000 per issue for Middle Banner 5, and
g. ₮20,000 per issue for Middle Banner 6
4) Exemptions: public servants, education sector, non-profit organizations (some NGOs like business lobby groups are not exempt), not-for-profit SOEs.
5) Full & cut versions: paid subscribers will get the full versions, the others a cut version with only headlines, first paragraphs, and no links. Those who are have bought banner space should not be worried as both full & cut versions will have the banners.
6) Banking Details: I've set up a PayPal account for those residing abroad, and a local MNT account for those residing in Mongolia.
Please send in your firm commitments before the week's end, and the contract signing and payment can be taken care of later.
If you any questions and concerns please let me know. Last few days have a little hectic and I apologize if I haven't replied to your emails yet. I'll make sure to attention is paid to all of them this week.
Best of regards,
Mogi Munkhdul Badral Bontoi
Cover Mongolia
Mobile: +976 9999 6779
Skype: mogibb
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
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